Some Soup with Jesus  (Love is the Answer)


Freedom to love without fear is sacred.


Outside Forever House, one foot on the stoop,

With hands extended, he inquired: “Coins for soup?”

The resident worshipers feigned empathy,

And then queried their guest: “Do you know the cost

Of the true bread of life, God’s gift to the lost?”


He said, “I’m just hungry, so loose change will do.

It’s a mere meager meal I’m asking of you,

Or some of that free bread you made mention of.”


“Free? Though we welcome you to come inside,

There’s a cost for compassion. We can provide,

But step within – that seems a small enough price –

For a place in our privileged paradise.”


Now, here’s where I entered the story to say:

“Where I’m from, we know that salvation is free,

So, dear man, if you’re hungry, just come with me.

If it’s redemption you need, then soup comes first:

Strength for your journey and relief for your thirst.”


We walked to the next block, my new friend and I,

And up to a kinder door. We walked on through

To where Jesus himself asked, “Table for two?”