There's a Bear in My Bathroom

by Jeff McLaughlin

Illustration by Stephanie Pogas

It's early one morning, I climb out of the sack;

And head for the kitchen to sneak a small snack; 

As I come 'round the corner, I hear this loud SLURRRP,

Followed by a sigh and then by a BURRRP.                            

There's something awful in there!  And it wants to be fed! 

A big BULLFROG in the kitchen!  But ...                                        

It's Mariah instead.                                                                        

The kitchen is quiet, I’m the first out of bed;

I find the grape jelly and two slices of bread.

Then I hear something spooky under my chair

It’s SQUEAKING loudly, giving me quite a scare. 

Is there a MOUSE or a FERRET that’s hungry for bread?

I peak under the chair and …

It’s Mariah instead.


Later that morning, while I'm out in the yard,

I suddenly hear something biting down HARD;

Is that an ORANGUTAN crunching my wagon?

Or is our porch being munched by a KOMODO DRAGON?

I run for the house, fast filling with dread; 

But just then, I see ...                                                            

Mariah instead.                                                                     

Later that day, at about a quarter to five,

We get home from the store and pull into the drive;

I unfasten my seatbelt and jump to the ground,

When suddenly I hear a loud WHINING sound.

Is there a BABY HIPPO that needs to be fed?

Then I see …

It’s Mariah instead


It’s my turn to wash the dinner dishes, I think,

So, I begin to carry them out to the sink;

Just then, I hear a loud SWISHING sound,

Followed by a SCREAK, I turn slowly around.

Is it a hungry SALAMANDER, all slimy and red;

When I turn, I see …

It’s Mariah instead.


I'm sitting and reading when I suddenly jump,   

As from the front hallway comes a big THUMP-WHUMP;

It might be the sound of a hungry MACAW, 

Or an impatient OCELOT tapping his paw;                    

It could be a thousand pound LOGGERHEAD;                                 

But, to my great relief ...                                                        

It's Mariah instead.                                                                


I'm taking a shower, there's no one else here, 

When I feel something cold and wet poking my rear;

I turn and I look - an enormous black nose                               

Sticks right through the curtain!  It's a BEAR, I suppose!

I cringe at the teeth in its massive bear head;

HERE IT COMES!  Then,        

Pshew!  It's Mariah instead.                                                            


I'm ready for sleep, all tucked in and tight,

When a noise quite disturbing pierces the night,

It's from somewhere close by, like right in this room,

And it sounds quite distinctly like: "RRR-WAHHH-OOOMM!"         

It's easily loud enough to shake the whole bed;       

There's a LION on the loose!  No ...                                        

It's Mariah instead.                                                                         


In the middle of the night, I am needing a drink,

So, I make my way, in the dark, toward the sink;

Mariah is sleeping on her bed by the door                                

She wakes when she hears me, but she isn't quite sure                                 

If I'm ROBBERS or GHOSTS.  Is there trouble ahead?                       

Then I turn on the light and ...